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Gender inclusive science teaching
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professional development

This activity aims to make teachers and school teams aware of gender and gender inclusive teaching.

Present and play video statements (there are four short videos you can use for this exercise that also are texted in English) on different (sometimes provocative) gender issues. These are presented by leading Danish researchers in the field of gender and education. Invite participants to discuss the statements in small groups following each video and invite them to share their thoughts.

Discussion about science assignments/tasks for school pupils taken from science compendiums or science books in your school context. Are the assignments gender inclusive or gender exclusive and why. Participants are asked to discuss what the strengths and weaknesses are of the different assignments and discuss in what ways the assignments could be improved (in relation to making them more ‘gender inclusive’).

Show an example in a commonly used science book for science subjects with a science assignment that you find to be especially ‘gender inclusive’. Present why you found this assignment or topic successful in being ‘gender inclusive and invite participants to share their thoughts on this.



60-120 mins


10-20 teachers


Gender inclusive science teaching
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Activity Description - Spanish
Activity Description - Greek
Supporting Document
Supporting Document 2
Supporting Document 3
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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