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Paper Plane Rockets
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aerodynamics, identification and control of variables in experiments

This is an activity that is based on a popular activity of making paper plane rockets. Students are called (in groups) to decorate and folding (following the instructions) 5 different types of paper plane rockets.


Initially students of each group have the same type of paper plane rocket. After decorating and folding their rocket, students are divided again into groups so that each group has students with all five paper plane rockets.


Each group is assigned to find out a way to identify the paper plane rocket with the one of the following characteristics (between their 5 different paper plane rockets): (i) the fastest paper plane rocket, (ii) the most "crazy flying" paper plane rocket, (iii) the paper plane rocket that goes the farthest, (iv) the one that travels on a most straight line and (v) the most well-aimed paper plane rocket. At this point, the groups are driven to different places so they can test their paper plain rockets.



80 mins


25 students


Paper Plane Rockets
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Activity Description - Dutch
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Supporting Document 2
Supporting Document 3
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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