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entrepreneurial thinking, innovation (needs identification, problem solving, risk-taking, creativity, cooperation and teamwork, etc.)

In this activity students face a problem from everyday life: They are relaxing in a designer lounge chair, enjoying a book and a nice drink. When they decide to place the drink on the ground,they find they cannot reach it. They are called to solve this problem (in groups), by building a structure that can hold a tray with two cups of coffee and a plate of cookies. Before building their structure, they decide together with the teacher what should constitute a successful challenge (e.g. how high should the structure be). Thea are also informed by the teacher about the materials they can use and how much time they have. Upon completion of the structure, the students discuss the procedures followed, as well as the distribution of roles to achieve their goal.



50 mins


25 students


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Activity Description - Dutch
Activity Description - Spanish
Supporting Document
Supporting Document 2
Supporting Document 3
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Ideal Number of Students

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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