The choice of the partners was made after careful consideration to ensure that the project would bring together the best possible expertise and knowledge on the topic at hand.
All partners involved have great experience in managing EU and nationally funded projects and in embracing innovative practices locally. Also, all partners have excellent networks and close cooperation at national and EU level with Science Museums and Science Centres, decision makers, governmental officials, representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Employers’ Associations, Young Entrepreneurs’ Associations, media companies and local universities. This assists in disseminating our project results widely across involved EU countries. Below the different types of partners involved in our consortium are described:
a) Two Universities with relevant experience in the topic of STEM education and entrepreneurship education for young people (EUC, NTNU)
b) Two SMEs with experience in dissemination and in research and consulting work on STEM, entrepreneurship and engineering/coding practices (GrantXpert, CyRIC)
d) One Science Museum (NEMO) that aims at making science and technology engaging and accessible to the widest possible audience
e) Two NGOs with expertise in teaching STEM at schools (STEMworks) and organising coding/robotics events (Programamos), providing vital input during the development of our training content.
The project will be implemented in 5 countries (Cyprus, Spain, The Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom) with the resourceful collaboration of 7 involved organisations.
NTNU is the largest university in Norway and focuses on engineering, natural sciences, social science and humanities. ILU is the department of Teacher Education and has over 300 staff. We provide teacher education for all levels except preschool. ILU has pioneered integrated 5-yr master programmes in teacher education, and is involved in a range of in-service professional development activities.
We have several Erasmus+ projects currently in progress, including STEMitUP, OPVET, UPPscience and e-Info-ted.
European Projects Adviser
Dr Peter Gray
Peter Gray has worked on projects in teacher induction (EPL) science education (project manager of S-TEAM) and responsible research & innovation. He is currently working on a book about teacher education at NTNU (with Per Johan Ramberg). He is based in Edinburgh but travels extensively in pursuit of the perfect meeting.
His main interest is in reforming research cultures in teacher education and elsewhere, to make research more responsive to the needs of society. Currently he has projects on this theme under development in Norway, Denmark, the UK and india.
GrantxperT Consulting
GrantXpert Consulting Ltd is a Cypriot-based SME, with extensive expertise in providing training and consulting services to local organisations for European and nationally funded programmes.
In the past 8 years GrantXpert has assisted a number of Cypriot and EU organisations in receiving more than 10 million EUR from funded programmes. The company focuses on the development of entrepreneurial, innovation and creativity skills for university students, on the development of knowledge alliances between academia and industry, on the enhancement of women and youth entrepreneurship, growth of SMEs’ competitiveness, on the enhancement of employability skills of youth, and on the development of entrepreneurship programmes.
This knowledge on entrepreneurship and employability skills will now be passed down to lower secondary education students through the STEMitUP training programme.
Founder and General Manager
Dr Celia Hadjichristodoulou
Dr Hadjichristodoulou is the Founder and General Manager of GrantXpert Consulting. She is an expert consultant in European and nationally funded programmes for the past 13 years. Dr Hadjichristodoulou studied for a BSc in Accounting & Finance at the London School of Economics (LSE) in the UK and she continued her postgraduate studies (MPhil) in Management Studies at Cambridge University. Dr Celia Hadjichristodoulou has a specialisation in Entrepreneurship and Management of SMEs, both from a practical and an academic perspective. She is an expert consultant and trainer in areas related to start-ups, entrepreneurship education, management of SMEs and EU funding programmes.
Research Associate and Assistant Project Manager
Dr Stephanie Apserou
Dr Stephanie Apserou (BA, MA, PhD) obtained a Bachelor in Greek Literature and a Master degree in Medieval and Modern Greek Literature from the University of Ioannina and she recently completed her doctoral studies with distinction. Since September 2012, Ms. Stephanie Apserou is working at GrantXpert Consulting Ltd as Research Associate and Assistant Project Manager for EU and National funded programmes. More specifically, she is responsible for the ERASMUS+ programme and for the National Schemes entitled “Youth Entrepreneurship” and “Women Entrepreneurship”. Ms. Apserou is participating in research projects regarding the development of entrepreneurial and employability skills of young people and women.
STEMworks aims to generate excitement and enthusiasm for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We are a not for profit company based in the UK which specialises in the design and delivery of education outreach programmes. We work with schools, businesses, teachers and other interested parties promoting STEM skills.
We run a wide range of activities including workshops, competitions, events, residentials and teacher CPD designed all with the aim of inspiring young people from all backgrounds to consider careers in Engineering, Science and Technology. We have a well-established relationship with many international, national and local companies working together to promote careers in Engineering, Science and Maths.
STEMworks’ programmes target young people from both primary and secondary schools, bringing together education and businesses from the STEM sector. By helping forge these relationships, employers can help raise the aspirations of young people and help develop their skills in readiness for the world of work. Moreover, our programmes offer a long term recruitment strategy to counter the pervasive shortage of skilled STEM professionals.
Dr Christopher Beer
Whilst researching climate change Chris began promoting the work of scientists and the opportunities that exist within STEM through various outreach schemes. Inspired to enter the education sector, he worked as a physics teacher in the UK finding further opportunities to enthuse the next generation. Chris is currently a director at STEMworks Ltd., a not for profit organisation dedicated to inspiring the next generation and helping to link businesses with education
EURopean university cyprus
European University Cyprus (EUC) operates five Schools, namely, the School of Humanities, Social and Education Sciences, the School of Business Administration, the School of Sciences, the Medical School, and the School of Law with the mission to educate students for successful careers and life achievement, to understand and serve the needs of society, and to create knowledge through research and innovation.
Traditionally a teaching intensive higher education institution, European University Cyprus has nonetheless produced excellent research work and is already one of the leading academic institutions on the island. The University hosts a diverse and dynamic research community with experienced researchers, including Nobel Laureates Professor Robert Huber (Chemistry, 1988) and Professor Ada Yonath (Chemistry, 2009). Research activity is primarily carried out by a number of research centers, laboratories, and other kinds of specialized settings such as clinics and innovation centers.
The University has been awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” logo by the European Commission, which identifies institutions and organizations at the European level as providers and supporters of a stimulating and favourable working environment.
Dr. Konstantinos Katzis
Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Konstantinos Katzis is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the European University Cyprus. Dr Katzis received his BEng degree in Computer Systems Engineering and his MSc degree in Radio Systems Engineering from University of Hull in 2000 and 2001 respectively. In 2006 he received his PhD in Electronics from University of York (UK). Dr. Katzis research work covers the areas of communications research, computer engineering, and educational technology. His research accomplishments include a considerable number of refereed articles and book chapters published in academic journals and edited books. He has been involved with various EU funded research projects and networks EUGENE, NeReLa, EL-STEM and STEMitUP. He is a member of the ICT – Enhanced Education Laboratory (ICTEE).
Dr. Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris
Professor at the EUC and Director of the Research Laboratory in ICT-Enhanced Education
Dr. Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris is a Professor at the European University Cyprus (EUC) and Director of the Research Laboratory in ICT-Enhanced Education. She has a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education (University of Texas at Austin), an M.Sc. in Statistics (University of Texas at Austin), an M.Sc. in Engineering (University of Texas at Austin), an M.A. in Open and Distance Learning (UK Open University), a B. A. in Mathematics (University of Texas at Austin), and Teacher’s Diploma in Elementary Education (Pedagogical Academy of Cyprus). She has established a respected research record through many publications in scholarly international journals, and has managed to obtain considerable funding in support of her research. Indicative EU-funded programs in which she has participated in the capacity of coordinator or research collaborator, include H2020, Erasmus+, LLP-Grundtvig, Socrates Minerva and Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, and Eureka. All of these multinational programs focus on technology-enabled STEM education, specifically on the use of innovative technologies in STEM teaching and learning at the school and higher education level, and in vocational training.
Professor Andreas Efstathiou
Vice Rector for Research and External Affairs at EUC
Professor Andreas Efstathiou has a background in extragalactic astrophysics and observational cosmology and has been very active in this area in the past thirty years (last fifteen in Cyprus and European University Cyprus). He (co-)authored 90 papers in refereed journals (h-index 43). Prof Efstathiou participated in a number of research projects such as the SWIRE survey, the Herschel ULIRG survey (HERUS) and the FP7 Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP). He has been involved in a number of outreach activities related to his research in astronomy in the last decade and participated in events such as Researcher's night and Science festivals. He served as chairman of EUC’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering between 2005-2008 and as Deputy Dean of the School of Sciences between 2011-2014. He is currently Vice Rector for Research and External Affairs at EUC
Dr Loucas Louca
Associate Professor of Science Education
Dr Loucas Louca is an Associate Professor of Science Education at the European University Cyprus and the Director of the Learning & Research Laboratory in Science, Mathematics & Social Studies Education. Loucas has a long-standing interest in supporting professional teacher development. He also brings in broad expertise in cooperating in various EU projects. His research interests focus on student abilities for inquiry in science, and on teachers’ instructional strategies for promoting student inquiry in science as well as teacher’s responsiveness for student abilities for scientific inquiry. He has been involved in several nationally funded projects as well as European funded project focusing on student thinking in science, teacher professional development, development of curriculum materials, promoting opportunities for gender balance in science education, and promoting inquiry-based teaching and learning in science. He is also interested in the use of authentic videotaped lessons as tools for teachers’ pre-service and in-service professional development.
CyRIC is a fast-growing company with a strategic aim to become an important regional Center developing disruptive products for the world markets and providing unique, high quality services to the industry.
CYRIC offers Research and Innovation Services for its customers in the fields of engineering design and prototyping, electronics and communications and software solutions. In addition a number of specialised consultancy and entrepreneurship services are offered to startups and SMEs. CyRIC is the only certified Business Innovation Center (BIC) in Cyprus, certified by the European Business Network. This certification assures that CyRIC belongs to an esteemed network of high-level professionals which deliver top notch services with high quality standards. At CyRIC, as a Business Innovation Centre we are committed to propel innovation and nurture the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Cyprus and overseas.
CyRIC is the founder of Gravity, a Venture Building Incubator located in a prime location in Engomi,Nicosia. We created an inspiring place where entrepreneurs can work, engage and create whilst enjoying high quality services and access to state- of- the art technological equipment and infrastructure.
We love working with aspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups, build new ventures and help them grow and blossom.
CEO CyRIC BIC & Gravity Ventures
Dr Panayiotis Philimis
Dr Panayiotis Philimis is the Managing Director of CyRIC Cyprus Research &Innovation Center, certified EU-BIC, and Gravity Ventures Incubator focused in investing and supporting Startups. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in CAD/CAM and computational Al techniques. He has extended experience in RTD project coordination and technical management with participation in more than 50 applied research projects worth more than 100mil. He has 20 years’ experience in design and development of novel products, patenting, QM, materials/product testing and conformity. He is the President & Co-Founder of the Cyprus Association of Research & Innovation Enterprises (CARIE) and Member of the Board of Directors of European Business Network (EBN) , the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) and the Cyprus National Research and Education Network (CyNet). Dr Philimis research interests span on a wide range of engineering and Scientific applications which include energy, nano-technology, advanced composite materials, IoT, robotics, health and smart applications for web/mob. In this domain, he is the author of three European patents and the author/co-author of more than twenty scientific publications including peered reviewed journal papers and international conference papers in his domain of expertise. He is an Angel Investor and Advisor/Mentor of several startups.
Senior Engineer
Dr Antonis Hadjiantonis
Dr. Antonis Hadjiantonis is an ICT engineer with over 10 years of experience on applied research and development on mobile computing, wireless networks and embedded electronic devices. He is a Senior Engineer at CyRIC and Deputy Manager of the Electronics, Networks and Communications Division. Dr Hadjiantonis holds the Ph.D. degree (2008) in Electronic Engineering from the Institute of Communication Systems (formerly CCSR - Centre for Communications Systems Research) of the University of Surrey (UK) and a First-Class Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Dipl.-Ing., 2004) from the NTUA (Greece). Previously he has worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Kios Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, University of Cyprus (2009-2013) and as a Research Assistant at University of Surrey (2004-2008).
Operations Manager Gravity Ventures Incubator
Mr Moyses Moyseos
Mr. Moyses Moyseos holds a Production and Management Engineering degree from the Democritus University of Thrace Polytechnic School. He also holds a MSc in Engineering with Innovation & Entrepreneurship from the University College London. Currently he is involved in the Consulting and Entrepreneurial Services Division of CyRIC, undertaking part of the services that CyRIC provides as a certified Business Innovation Centre from the European Business Network to start-ups and SME’s. Financial planning and forecasting for start-up investments. Short term and Long-term investment analysis within the Business Innovation Centre activities framework. Contribution and mentoring to the hosted start-ups regarding their development in ideation, financial sustainability and growth.
Programamos is a non-profit organization that promotes the development of computational thinking skills from early ages through the programming of video games and mobile applications in all educational levels, from kindergarten to vocational training or university.
Programamos offers a variety of free materials for teachers, which they can adapt to their classroom needs, as well as trainings and workshops on programming and robotics. Being a non-profit organization, the social component of Programamos is very important. Therefore, they organize free activities and trainings for socially disadvantaged kids.
A sample of such actions is "Healing with code", a project in which Programamos has collaborated with a hospital for running two workshops a week for an entire year for hospitalized kids.
Jesús Moreno
Honorary Researcher
After more than a decade as a secondary teacher, Jesús is focused on research and promotion of computational thinking from early ages, combining his work leading Programamos, a non-profit organization, and the work for his doctoral thesis at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain). These efforts recently took him to the National Institute for Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Ministry of Education in Spain), where he is Head of Experimental Projects and leads a project promoting the inclusion of computational thinking skills in the national curriculum.
José Ignacio Huertas
José Ignacio is BSc Computer Science and MSc in Engineering of Telematic Systems. He has been teaching computer science in Secondary and Vocational Training for over 10 years. He has worked as an expert and advisor in the Department of Education the Andalucía regional government as well as for the Andalusian Agency for Educational Evaluation. He currently works at Polígono Sur Technical School training future computer technicians, and he is also the president of Programamos.
Angela Vargas
Teacher and Researcher
Ángela is a telecommunications engineer and graduated in business administration. Currently, while studying the master's degree in telecommunications, she works as a researcher in the KGBL3 group at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Her work in Programamos allows her to combine two of her passions: technology and teaching to children, a field in which she has a great experience despite her youth.
NEMO Science Museum is an interactive, informal learning environment in which the general public comes into contact with science and technology. Visitors see, hear and experience how scientific phenomena and technology play an important part in their lives. NEMO works closely with the fields of science and education.
Moreover, NEMO is an experienced international partner and work-package leader in a range of themes, with many areas of expertise. As a partner, we can offer input on a variety of themes, from public engagement activities to the development of training programmes, and from gender guidance to inquiry-based learning and maker-education.
Senior Project Manager at NEMO Science Learning Centre
Meie van Laar
Meie van Laar (F) is a senior project manager at NEMO Science Learning Centre since 2011. Within NEMO she works as an educational developer and as a project manager on several educational projects (both national and European) including TWIST. Meie is also developing and implementing educational programs and teaching material for primary and secondary schools, organizing events for primary or secondary school students or teachers and has developed and conducted professional development programs for teachers within NEMO. She is very experienced on the theme of gender, on the differences in education / S&T; inquiry-based learning and making science education accessible to primary school teachers. Meie holds a Master of Science (Biology), and a Master of Science teaching Biology. Before NEMO she taught science and maths at secondary schools.