Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH (ISOB), Germany
ISOB is a private research and development institution, founded in 1990. In 2003 it was founded as a limited company (ISOB GmbH). It specializes in internal evaluation and quality assurance of development projects in the field of LLL, CSR and Learning Region approaches. ISOB is member of the German Society for Evaluation (DGEVAL) and works according to the internationally accepted evaluation standards.
ISOB is engaged in numerous long-term projects for the German Federal Government and for the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), e.g. innovative ways of cooperation between SMEs and training institutions; implementing the integration of learning and working in the enterprise, E-Learning; preparing young people for group-work; self-organized learning in the workplace – self-evaluation as a means of professional self-development; flexible learning methods in SME. It has conducted 14 projects in the LLL program implemented and evaluated; scientific consultancy and evaluation of regional network approaches; consultancy for enterprises and management training in the fields of HRD and OD. ISOB was involved in the technical assistance office for the ADAPT-initiative in Brussels. Focusing on problems of SMEs, ISOB GmbH has long relevant experience in the field of Business Creation and Entrepreneurship. Managing Director Alexander is a certified Business Coach and has long experience in coaching Young Business Leaders and Managers.

Alexander Krauss
M.A. studied History, Political Science and Sociology at the University of Regensburg. He is the Managing Director of the Institute for socio-scientific consultancy and Vice President of the non-profit Association for Social Research and Consultancy. His main fields of interest include implementation and improvement of the “dual system” of initial training, enterprise development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Social Responsibility in SME, organisational development, leadership development, personnel development; small business development; application of lifelong learning methodologies in various fields (Associations/Interest Groups, Business/Industry, Government/State bodies). In recent years, one of his focal interests has been Cluster policy approaches, regional and Cluster policies to cope with the challenges of Demographic change and migration as well as promotion of entrepreneurship within Clusters. Alexander Krauss has worked for various research organisations including the department of statistics and quantitative evaluation of the market leading training provider in Germany. He has implemented more than 20 research and development projects in the fields mentioned. Private interests include outdoor sports like kayaking, long-distance cycling and mountaineering; training as Business Coach and Supervisor AGS (“Gestalt”-approach of coaching); Competency Portfolio Career Guidance Coach. Numerous publications in these fields are mentioned at cf.

Gerhard Stark
Dipl.Päd.: Studies of Pedagogics, Psychology, Sociology and Political Science. He has many years of experience as a consultant for SMEs. He is the Managing Director of ISOB since 2003. Main fields of interest: Evaluation and scientific guidance in the fields of vocational and continuing training, Human Resource Development and Organisational Development in enterprises, regional networks (Learning Regions, EQUAL networks) and transnational projects; studies on training needs and regional qualification needs. He is the President of the non-profit Association for Social Research and Consultancy. Numerous publications in the fields are mentioned at cf.

Cristina Novac
M.A. studied German and Comparative Literature at the Babes Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania, and Comparative Cultural Studies and South East European History at the University of Regensburg. In addition to her scientific degrees, she is a freelance translator and intercultural communication consultant with focus on Eastern Europe and Germany. Cristina Novac is a researcher in ISOB´s international projects and is responsible for transnational research, communication, reporting and evaluation.