“One becomes an entrepreneur not by birth but by education as well as by experience”
Volkmann 2004

Welcome to the project website of “ICT ENTREPRENEUR”!
This EU-funded project, entitled “A European University-Business Alliance aiming to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of ICT students” aims to develop an innovative training package that will help ICT students and graduates to enhance their entrepreneurial skills and put their knowledge into practice.
This training package aims to be utilized as a pre-accelerator programme, helping ICT students and graduates to transfer their university project findings into successful business ideas.
The project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education programme. The project implementation began in September 2014 and it will have a 3-year duration. .

ICT ENTREPRENEUR is an innovative project, aiming to have a practical application once it is completed. It is funded by the ERASMUS+ programme 2014 under the key action entitled “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”.
The project is implemented by 7 partners from 5 different EU countries (Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and UK).

The ICT ENTREPRENEUR partnership has taken this EU initiative in an effort to open up new learning opportunities for the creation of start-ups and spin-offs and the commercialisation of new services, products and prototypes.
Furthermore, the partners’ aim is to enhance entrepreneurship levels within European universities, thus boosting job creation and growth.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.