Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V. (SPS), Germany
The State-wide cluster Sensorik offers, with its 60+ members and 200 partners from the world of economics and science, a practical, development and test-friendly environment, which nurtures development of innovative approaches to solutions. In 2006, Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V (SPS) created the cluster Sensorik, which since then has taken on a leading role in innovative cluster management. In the scope of the “Bavarian Cluster Campaign”, a high tech initiative of the German/Bavarian state government, the SPS provides an agile and competent platform to link-up and supervise the stakeholders in the sensor technology cluster.
Many well-renowned large-scale enterprises from the network, regional associations and initiatives, as well as university experts, are partners. The number of staff is 15, of which all employees are university graduates with different specialization, so that the team can exhibit a broadly varied know-how. Important components within the “Bavarian Cluster Campaign” activities are to link up companies, promote innovation, build up competence as well as to train and qualify employees. The target groups of the SPS-services are companies, experienced and job seeking professionals, young professionals and the junior professionals. SPS has already implemented a lot of real practical topics in workshops, seminar series and training courses, which are especially interesting four young entrepreneurs, who need support regarding startup affairs. Various concepts of coaching and personnel development modules promote personal, methodical and technical innovation competence of professionals and companies. A broad range of concepts enable the SPS to react quickly to young entrepreneur demand’s.
Stefanie Fuchs, Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e. V., Head of Human Resources
Since 2008, Stefanie Fuchs is the Head of Human Resources of the Strategic Partnership Sensoric, a sector network with 60 members and more than 200 partner companies. Her key activities are the conception and realization of innovative sustainable approaches in human resource management (HRM) as well as testing of sustainable strategies for a regional demography management in a high-tech-network. An essential component of her employments is inter-sectoral networking in scenarios of interdisciplinary knowledge exchange. She is coordinating and managing projects sponsored by federal ministries. As an example, she had the lead position in developing the so called “demography consultancy”, a new cluster service. Furthermore, she has been developing and testing innovative strategies to qualify skilled employees in a high-tech industrial sector. Stefanie Fuchs is a graduate in business administration with a focus on HRM, organization and macroeconomics, both fields being the fundament of her professional expertise and competence. She offers experience in working with interdisciplinary project teams, practically oriented network research with varying company sizes and company types as well as journalistic experience.
Anja Sloet, Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V., scientific assistant
After her studies – fields of studies are Southeast-Asia Studies, Psychology and Geography - Anja Sloet gained work experience at the organisation of national and international professional congresses and fairs. She possesses comprehensive intercultural competences as well as long-standing experience in international communication. Since 2013, Anja Sloet is scientific assistant of the Strategic Partnership Sensoric, a sector network with 60 members and more than 200 partner companies. Ms. Sloets’ area of responsibility is the planning, organisation and realisation of events in the field of training and further education (e.g. a series of seminars which foster transversal competences, especially the mediation of economic basis knowledge). [...] ,). In In her fields of activities, besides the conception of the teaching contents, are also included the recruitment of participants, public relations, evaluation and budget supervision.