The University of Beira Interior (UBI) is today a landmark institution at national and international level of education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship, competitiveness and Innovation is one line of research developed within the Research Unit – NECE. This line of research aims to encourage entrepreneurship, competitiveness, and innovation of Portuguese firms and to help to develop an entrepreneurial and competitive society. Entrepreneurship education is a key tool in the use of the competences of the human resources to new firm creation.
The primary purpose of this research area is to evaluate the impact of education on entrepreneurial activities.
The specific objectives focused on entrepreneurship education intend:
- To verify if the development of attributes and competences that form the base of the entrepreneurship will be able to have influence for the acquisition of more specific knowledge on the enterprise activity, throughout the several levels of education;
- To understand the way education in entrepreneurship will be able to contribute to prepare the children and the young to become individuals with intellectual autonomy, physically, emotionally and socially;
- To analyze the impact of extra-curricular activities in learning of entrepreneurship;
- To analyze the impact of the formation of entrepreneurship focus at the university level in the creation of companies and the creation of jobs; - To study the effect of education in entrepreneurship in the propensity for the creation of companies of technological basis.
Mário Raposo
Phd in Management, is full Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at University of Beira Interior. Currently he is the Vice Rector responsible for Finances and Projects of the University. He is the Director of the ‘Transfer Technologic Office’ and Director of the PhD in Marketing and Strategy.
He has authored or co-authored five scientific books, thirty book chapters and more than sixty articles in scientific journals with peer review. He was responsible for coordinating several scientific projects financed by EU funds. He is associated with the editorial boards of several scientific journals. He is Vice President for Portugal of the ECSB.
From 1998 to 2009, as Vice Rector and Professor at the University, he was one of the persons responsible for the implementation and development of the entrepreneurship education strategy. He promoted the creation of the office of technology transfer, was behind the creation of the Technology Based Course in Entrepreneurship and was the initiator of the project of the Science and Technologic Park – Parkurbis. Between 2007 and 2013 he was the scientific coordinator of a research center. Since 2011 he is a member of the group of evaluators for the A3s agency which is responsible for evaluating management courses in Portugal; he has been involved in the evaluation of forty courses.
João J. Ferreira
is Associate Professor at University of Beira Interior, Portugal. He completed the PhD Programme European Doctoral Program of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He is currently the Scientific Coordinator of NECE – Research Unit of Business Sciences as well as Director of the 2nd cycle in Management. He has published several articles in international journals and is the editor of some international books. His areas of interest are strategy, entrepreneurship and competitiveness.
Maria José Madeira Silva
is an Assistant Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal. Her academic background includes a Ph.D. in Management, specialization in Innovation, UBI. She is the Director of the Master Program in Entrepreneurship at UBI and coordinator of the post graduation Technology Entrepreneurship Course. She is the scientific coordinator of the INESPO project – Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Centre. She is a researcher in CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Research interests: Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship.
Arminda do Paço
is Auxiliary Professor at University of Beira Interior, Portugal. She is currently a researcher of the research unit NECE and Director of the 1st cycle in Marketing. Her areas of interest are entrepreneurship education and environmental marketing. She has published several articles in international journals. Additionally she participates in consultant projects directed to SMEs. She also participated in several national and international projects (e.g. the impact study of the entrepreneurship programme in Mozambique, promoted by UNIDO).
Pedro Serrão
is a Science and Technology Manager at University of Beira Interior, Portugal. He is currently acting in support of attracting public and private (national and international) interest in project management research and opportunities in network financing activities. He also promotes protocols, agreements and technology transfer agreements with companies. Also, he has several formations in the area of Technology Transfer, Innovation Management and Investment Projects.