“You don't build a business
-You build people-
and then people build the business”
Zig Ziglar
to the website of the European funded project entitled:
“ARTISAN” - AspiRing enTrepreneurIaI families to perpetuate cultural buSiness Across geNerations.
The main focus of ARTISAN project is to develop training programmes, tools, and structures that can help family members (senior and junior members) in artisan and agro-tourism family businesses.
to enhance their entrepreneurial skills and competences.
ARTISAN is funded by the ERASMUS+ programme 2016 under the key action entitled “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices” in Adults Education. The project is implemented by 7 partners from 6 different EU countries (Cyprus, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Germany).
The duration of the project is 24 months (Project start date: 01/09/2016, Project end date: 31/08/2018).

ARTISAN is an innovative project, aiming to have a practical application once it is completed. The project has as its main aim to develop an innovative entrepreneurship programme for the family members in artisan and agro-tourism family businesses.
ARTISAN project comes to fill an apparent need of families-in-business to enhance their entrepreneurial potential and thus their abilities to control and manage more effectively their business and its direction.
Thus, we are very niche in our focus, aiming to support the continuation and growth of artisan and agro-tourism businesses (and thus the continuation and enhancement of the cultural component that they carry) through the enhancement of the entrepreneurial skills and potential of family members nested in these enterprises.

The choice of the partners was made after careful consideration to ensure that the project would bring together the best possible expertise and knowledge on the topic at hand.
The project is designed based on the strengths, capabilities and expertise of seven consortium members, in a way that will create an innovative and practical entrepreneurial programme for “family in business”, focusing on the transgenerational entrepreneurial potential of family businesses within culturally-sensitive economic sectors such as the artisan and agro-tourism sectors.
The project will be implemented in 6 countries (Cyprus, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Germany) with the resourceful collaboration of 7 involved organisations.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.