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Below, a description of the expertise and the infrastructure available in each partner is provided:

P1: UCLan, Cyprus (Project Coordinator)

The University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus) is a private university operating in Cyprus and part of the University of Central Lancashire Group. It is a medium-sized organisation, employing approx. 100 employees and located in Larnaka, in the area of Pyla. Its first academic year has commenced on October 2012, offering premium British Higher Education within the Cyprus Educational framework and culture. It is a private University officially registered in the Registry of Private Universities of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus. All programmes of study are evaluated and recognised by the Ministry of Education and the Republic of Cyprus, and meet the high quality standards required by the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).


Founded in 1985, the University of Castilla-La Mancha is spread out over four main campuses within four provinces of the autonomous region of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain): Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo. In addition, there are two other satellite campuses located in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) and Almadén (Ciudad Real). Since its foundation as a public institution for higher education and research, our University now offers 45 Bachelor’s degree programs and 34 official Master’s degree programs, all of which are in accordance with the standards of the European Higher Education Area. In addition, UCLM offers a wide selection of post-graduate courses and doctorate programs.


There are currently over 30,000 students enrolled in the University with a staff of close to 2,500 professors and researchers. In addition, there are nearly 1,100 administrators and service personnel. In addition to teaching, research constitutes another fundamental pillar of UCLM, with over 237 groups dedicated to research.


The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is a consolidated cultural, scientific and teaching presence in central-western Sicily. Its 5 Schools and 20 Departments cover the most important domains of contemporary scientific and technological knowledge. About 122 courses (first and second cycle) are yearly offered as well as 44 master and specialization and 23 PhD courses, targeted to the training of specific professional figures, often in cooperation with external institutions and companies - a galaxy which attracted 11,085 first-year students in 2013/2014 academic year. The University General Hospital is a local health corporation that works in synergy with the Faculty of Medicine. It provides beds, day-hospital beds, and a first-aid service. UNIPA is also present in Agrigento, Caltanissetta e Trapani.


There is a closed link between UNIPA and the labor market: 3rd students of 1st cycle degree courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within public or private companies and agencies.

P4: GrantXpert Consulting (Cyprus)

GrantXpert Consulting was founded following funding received by Ms. Vassilia Hadjichristodoulou from the National Funded Scheme of “Women Entrepreneurship”. The company employs a number of experienced researchers and consultants that are involved in several European and nationally funded research projects, focusing specifically on socioeconomic research topics. Besides having had substantial involvement in a number of research projects, the company has assisted and guided a large number of Cypriot (private & public) companies, non-profit organisations, research and academic organisations and municipalities to receive funding from European and National programmes. Since 2009, the company has aided its clients in securing more than 4million Euros from funded programmes.


The company fulfills its consulting role by informing its clients through daily communication and targeted training seminars on the funding opportunities available for them and also by providing them support in the proposal preparation process and the implementation of projects. The funding obtained by these organisations assists in increasing their competitiveness, growing further, engaging in research projects, implementing innovative practices, enhancing their personnel's qualifications and skills and hiring new employees. 


EDHEC Business School was founded in 1906 by a group of entrepreneurs from northern France who were looking for a response to their training needs in international commerce. EDHEC is a private school and has operated as a non-profit entity since 1958. A century later, EDHEC is recognized as one of the best business schools in Europe: ranked in the Financial Times’ Top 15 European Business Schools at the 14th place and at the 3rd place among French business schools, and in The Economist’s European Top 10 for its Full Time MBA. Its programme in Finance is also ranked 5th by the Financial Times in its worldwide ranking of Masters of Sciences in Finance (3-year average). The excellence of EDHEC Business School has also been recognized through its triple accreditation: AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS. The school has 6500 students enrolled in academic programmes, with more than 30 000 alumni in 120 countries, with more than 20 research centres, chairs and institutes, and more than 300 international partner universities.


The University of Beira Interior (UBI) is today a landmark institution at national and international level of education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurship, competitiveness and Innovation is one line of research developed within the Research Unit – NECE. This line of research aims to encourage the entrepreneurship, competitiveness, and innovation of Portuguese firms and to help to develop an entrepreneurial and competitive society. The entrepreneurship education arises like a key tool in the use of the competences of the human resources to the new firm creation. The primary purpose of this research area is to evaluate the impact of education on entrepreneurial activities.

P7: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH (ISOB), Germany

ISOB is a private research and development institution, founded in 1990. In 2003 it was founded as a limited company (ISOB GmbH). It specializes in internal evaluation and quality assurance of development projects in the field of LLL, CSR and Learning Region approaches. ISOB is member of the German Society for Evaluation (DGEVAL) and works according to the internationally accepted evaluation standards. ISOB is engaged in numerous long-term projects for the German Federal Government and for the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), e.g. innovative ways of cooperation between SMEs and training institutions; implementing the integration of learning and working in the enterprise, E-Learning; preparing young people for group-work; self-organized learning in the workplace – self-evaluation as a means of professional self-development; flexible learning methods


in SME. It has conducted 14 projects in the LLL program implemented and evaluated; scientific consultancy and evaluation of regional network approaches; consultancy for enterprises and management training in the fields of HRD and OD. ISOB was involved in the technical assistance office for the ADAPT-initiative in Brussels. Focusing on problems of SMEs, ISOB GmbH has long relevant experience in the field of Business Creation and Entrepreneurship. Managing Director Alexander is a certified Business Coach and has long experience in coaching Young Business Leaders and Managers. 

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