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The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is a consolidated cultural, scientific and teaching presence in central-western Sicily. Its 5 Schools and 20 Departments cover the most important domains of contemporary scientific and technological knowledge.


About 122 courses (first and second cycle) are yearly offered as well as 44 master and specialization and 23 PhD courses, targeted to the training of specific professional figures, often in cooperation with external institutions and companies - a galaxy which attracted 11,085 first-year students in 2013/2014 academic year. The University General Hospital is a local health corporation that works in synergy with the Faculty of Medicine. It provides beds, day-hospital beds, and a first-aid service.


UNIPA is also present in Agrigento, Caltanissetta e Trapani. There is a closed link between UNIPA and the labor market: 3rd students of 1st cycle degree courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within public or private companies and agencies.


Research activities

Palermo University has 20 Departments, where researchers study every day to find new solution to the questions posed by nature, science and society. From Information Technology to Biology, from Mathematics to Medicine, to Social Sciences and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, the University works to make its contribution of innovation and progress to the international scientific community and the world of production.


In the laboratories – many of which are open to the local community – the first step of collaboration between researchers in the academic world and in the business world are taken, basic and applied research is carried out, and young brains are given the chance to turn their intuitions to good account. Here scientific research finds its application in robotics, pharmaceutical industry, ecology, and medical diagnostics. Successful technological transfer implies the full synergy of innovative technologies, scientific expertise, production systems and processes. Actually, it is necessary to implement a full-fledged system including the “know-how”, production processes, goods, services and organizational and operational skills.

Salvatore Tomaselli, Ph. D.

Graduated in economics, PhD in Economics and Business Administration at IESE Business School, Barcelona Spain. Special fields Business Strategy and Family Business.


Professor of Business Policy at the “Università di Palermo” (Italy), currently entitled of the courses in Business Policy, Planning and Control Systems and Family Business Governance and Strategy. He is also encharged to design and co-ordinate the Education Program on Entrepreneurship of the Università di Palermo. In April 2015 has been visiting professor of Family Business Strategy and Governance at the Beijing Institute of Technology.


Founding member and fellow of IFERA (International Family Enterprise Research Academy), where he served as a board member from foundation until 2011; in 2015 has been appointed as Vice President for Finance in the Board of EURAM (European Academy of Management); in 2015 has been appointed as representative of the Università di Palermo in the Scientific Committee of CERISDI; in 2016 has been elected Ordinary Member of the Rael Academia Europea de Doctores ( Royal European Academy of Doctors, Barcelona, Spain.


Since 1993 co-operates with the Family Business Chair at IESE Business School, Barcelona (Spain); since 1997 co-operates with the Department of Strategy at SDA Bocconi, and the AIdAF-EY Chair 
of Strategic Management in Family Business at Bocconi University; moreover has well established co-operations with other academic institutions, among which Escuela de Administracion de Empresa (EAE), Barcelona (Spain); Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Politecnico de Monterrey, Mexico; UCLan Cyprus (Cyprus); Zhejang University, Hangzhou (China); Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing (China). A member of the editorial board of the Family Business Review until December 2013, he is currently reviewer of the Family Business Review, the Journal of Family Business Strategy, the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. Is Supervising Editor of the Journal Of Sport Sciences And Law (ISSN 1974-4331), member of the Consejo Editorial of Archipelago The author of a number of papers, articles and books, mainly in the area of family business. In 1993 and 1999 received the FBN Award for the best research paper presented at the FBN Annual World Conference.

Maria Francesca Cracolici, Ph. D.

  • PhD in Statistics

  • Associate Professor of Statistics for Economics at the University of Palermo (Italy)


Giovanni Ruggieri Ph. D.

  • Ph. D. in Tourism Marketing

  • Assistant professor of tourism economy. Department of economics, business and statistics at the University of Palermo (Italy)

  • Researcher of applied economics

  • Coordinator of the Master Management in hospitality food & beverage


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