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La Escuela de Negocios EDHEC fue fundada en 1906 por un grupo de empresarios del norte de Francia que estaban buscando una respuesta a sus necesidades de formación en el comercio internacional. EDHEC es una escuela privada y funciona como una entidad sin ánimo de lucro desde 1958. Un siglo más tarde, EDHEC es reconocida como una de las mejores escuelas de negocios de Europa: está clasificada en el puesto 14º del Financial Times’ Top 15 European Business Schools (Top 15 de las escuelas de negocios europeas del Financial Times).

Clasificada en el 3er puesto entre las escuelas de negocios de Francia, e incluida en el Economist’s European Top 10 (Top 10 de Másteres en Administración de Negocios de The Economist), por su MBA a tiempo completo. Su programa en Finanzas también ocupa el 5º puesto en el Financial Times’ worldwide ranking of Masters of Sciences in Finance (relación mundial de Másteres de Ciencias en Finanzas del Financial Times). La excelencia de EDHEC Business School también ha sido reconocida a través de su triple acreditación AACSB, AMBA y EQUIS. La Escuela tiene 6.500 alumnos matriculados en programas académicos, con más de 30.000 exalumnos en 120 países y con más de 20 centros de investigación. También tiene relaciones con más de 300 universidades internacionales.


EDHEC tiene cinco centros principales de excelencia donde concentra toda la experiencia de su comunidad académica: EDHEC-Risk Institute, Legal Edhec, Economics, Financial Analysis & Accounting and the Family Business Centre. El Centro de Empresas Familiares EDHEC es un reflejo de la fuerte vinculación histórica de la EDHEC Business School con las empresas familiares. Su misión es apoyar el modelo empresarial de las empresas familiares a largo plazo, inspirando a las comunidades de empresas familiares a través de la investigación y la educación, tanto en la dimensión empresarial como en el ámbito socio-emocional, tan cruciales para su sostenibilidad.


Las principales líneas de investigación se ocupan de la gestión de la dinámica emocional, la gobernanza y el rendimiento, el espíritu empresarial, la sucesión, las decisiones financieras y el compromiso social. El Family Business Centre (Centro de Empresas Familiares) se beneficia de colaboraciones interdisciplinares con otros Centros de Investigación EDHEC, cuyas publicaciones confluyen en el ámbito del Derecho, la Economía, las Finanzas, el comportamiento organizacional y temas relacionados con las empresas familiares. Proporciona programas educativos en empresa familiar en los niveles de BBA (Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas), Master y Executive Education (Formación para ejecutivos), impulsados desde la investigación. Asimismo, organiza actividades que difunden la investigación hacia sus implicaciones prácticas al acercar a académicos, profesionales, miembros de empresas familiares y los responsables políticos a compartir temas específicos sobre emprendimiento y empresas familiares.

Rania Labaki, Ph.D.

is an Associate Professor at EDHEC Business School, teaching and conducting research at the intersection of the fields of finance and family business. Her recent interests revolve around the role of the family emotions in entrepreneurial and financial decision-making. She serves also as the Director of the EDHEC Family Business Centre and the Academic Director of the Family Business Global Executive MBA. Prior to joining EDHEC, Rania was Associate Professor of management at the University of Bordeaux and Visiting Scholar at Baruch College-The City University of New York and Zeppelin University. She is an active member of editorial and reviewing boards for academic journals on family business and of advisory academic committees. She is actively involved in the main organizations dedicated to education, research, networking, and entrepreneurial initiatives on an international level such as her role as board member at IFERA, conference committee member at FFI, and scientific committee member at FBN France and FBN Levant. Along with a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Bordeaux, she is recipient of several international academic awards for her contributions to the family business field.


Lorraine M. Uhlaner, Ph.D.

is Professor of Management, specialized in Entrepreneurship and Family Business at EDHEC Business School. She received her Ph.D. in Organization Psychology from the University of Michigan. Her current research interests include responsible ownership and corporate governance in family businesses, and other privately-held firms. Within the realm of SME’s her research is wide-reaching, covering also such topics and corporate social (especially environmental) responsibility, innovation and knowledge management and business succession. A second research stream focuses on prediction of individual (social) entrepreneurial behavior, especially multi-level research which examines informal (cultural) and formal institutional influences. She is a member of both the Dutch GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) and French STEP teams. She has many publications in highly ranked academic journals in management, entrepreneurship, and family business.

Fabian Bernhard, Ph.D.

is an Associate Professor of Management and a member of the Family Business Center at EDHEC Business School in France. He earned his PhD student at the European Business School (EBS) in Germany where he developed the ideas of his book on “Psychological Ownership in Family Businesses”. He was a research professor at INSEEC Business School in Paris and an adjunct professor at the Family Enterprise

Center (FEC) at Stetson University of Florida in the US. His current topics of interest are at the intersection of organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and family business research. In particular, he is interested in the emotional dynamics in family businesses, moral emotions, the education and preparation of next generational family business leaders, attachment to family business and its influence on the decision-making process.

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