EDHEC Business School a été fondée en 1906 par un groupe d'entrepreneurs du Nord de la France qui cherchaient à répondre à leurs besoins de formation dans le commerce international. L'EDHEC est une école privée et fonctionne depuis 1958 comme une entité à but non lucratif. Un siècle plus tard, l'EDHEC est reconnue comme l'une des meilleures écoles de commerce d'Europe: classée dans le Top 15 des European Business Schools du Financial Times à la 14e place, à la 3e place parmi les écoles de commerce françaises, et au Top 10 européen de The Economist pour son MBA à temps plein. Son programme en Finance est également classé 5e par le Financial Times dans son classement mondial des masters en finance (moyenne sur 3 ans). L'excellence de l'EDHEC Business School a également été reconnue à travers son triple accréditation: AACSB, AMBA et EQUIS. L'école compte 6500 étudiants inscrits dans des programmes universitaires, avec plus de 30 000 anciens élèves dans 120 pays, plus de 20 centres de recherche, chaires et instituts et plus de 300 Universités partenaires à l’international.
L'EDHEC compte principalement cinq Centres d'excellence qui concentrent l'expertise de la communauté universitaire: EDHEC-Risk Institute, Legal Edhec, Economie, Analyse Financière & Comptabilité et le Family Business Center. Le Family Business Center de l’EDHEC est un reflet des liens historiques forts de l'EDHEC Business School avec les entreprises familiales. Sa mission est de soutenir le modèle entrepreneurial à long terme des entreprises familiales en inspirant leur communauté à travers la recherche et l’enseignement sur les dimensions tant économiques que socio-émotionnelles cruciales pour la durabilité.
À ce titre, les principaux intérêts de la recherche portent sur la gestion des dynamiques émotionnelles, la gouvernance et la performance, l'entrepreneuriat, la succession, les décisions financières et l'engagement social. Pour cela, le Family Business Center bénéficie de collaborations transdisciplinaires avec les autres centres de recherche de l'EDHEC, avec des publications qui se situent à l'intersection du droit, de l'économie, de la finance, du comportement organisationnel et des thèmes de l'entreprise familiale entrepreneuriale. Il fournit des programmes éducatifs sur les entreprises familiales en licence, Master et en formation continue, qui sont guidés par la recherche. Il organise aussi des événements ayant pour but de drainer les résultats de la recherche vers des implications pratiques, en amenant des universitaires, des praticiens, des membres des entreprises familiales et des décideurs à échanger sur des sujets spécifiques relatifs aux entreprises familiales et entrepreneuriales

Rania Labaki, Ph.D.
is an Associate Professor at EDHEC Business School, teaching and conducting research at the intersection of the fields of finance and family business. Her recent interests revolve around the role of the family emotions in entrepreneurial and financial decision-making. She serves also as the Director of the EDHEC Family Business Centre and the Academic Director of the Family Business Global Executive MBA. Prior to joining EDHEC, Rania was Associate Professor of management at the University of Bordeaux and Visiting Scholar at Baruch College-The City University of New York and Zeppelin University. She is an active member of editorial and reviewing boards for academic journals on family business and of advisory academic committees. She is actively involved in the main organizations dedicated to education, research, networking, and entrepreneurial initiatives on an international level such as her role as board member at IFERA, conference committee member at FFI, and scientific committee member at FBN France and FBN Levant. Along with a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Bordeaux, she is recipient of several international academic awards for her contributions to the family business field.

Lorraine M. Uhlaner, Ph.D.
is Professor of Management, specialized in Entrepreneurship and Family Business at EDHEC Business School. She received her Ph.D. in Organization Psychology from the University of Michigan. Her current research interests include responsible ownership and corporate governance in family businesses, and other privately-held firms. Within the realm of SME’s her research is wide-reaching, covering also such topics and corporate social (especially environmental) responsibility, innovation and knowledge management and business succession. A second research stream focuses on prediction of individual (social) entrepreneurial behavior, especially multi-level research which examines informal (cultural) and formal institutional influences. She is a member of both the Dutch GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) and French STEP teams. She has many publications in highly ranked academic journals in management, entrepreneurship, and family business.

Fabian Bernhard, Ph.D.
is an Associate Professor of Management and a member of the Family Business Center at EDHEC Business School in France. He earned his PhD student at the European Business School (EBS) in Germany where he developed the ideas of his book on “Psychological Ownership in Family Businesses”. He was a research professor at INSEEC Business School in Paris and an adjunct professor at the Family Enterprise
Center (FEC) at Stetson University of Florida in the US. His current topics of interest are at the intersection of organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and family business research. In particular, he is interested in the emotional dynamics in family businesses, moral emotions, the education and preparation of next generational family business leaders, attachment to family business and its influence on the decision-making process.