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La Universidad de Beira Interior (UBI) es hoy una institución histórica, a nivel nacional e internacional, en educación, investigación, innovación y emprendimiento. El espíritu empresarial, la competitividad y la innovación es una línea de investigación desarrollada dentro de la Unidad de Investigación - NECE. Esta línea de investigación tiene como objetivo fomentar el espíritu empresarial, la competitividad y la innovación de las empresas portuguesas y ayudar a desarrollar una sociedad emprendedora y competitiva. La educación empresarial surge como una herramienta clave en el uso de las competencias de los recursos humanos para la creación de nuevas empresas. El propósito principal de esta área de investigación es evaluar el impacto de la educación sobre las actividades emprendedoras.


Los objetivos específicos centrados en la educación empresarial emprendedora tienen por objeto: -Verificar si el desarrollo de los atributos y competencias que forman la base de la capacidad empresarial puedan haber sido influidos por la adquisición de conocimientos más específicos sobre la actividad empresarial, a lo largo de los diversos niveles de la educación;

- Entender que, de esa manera, la educación en emprendimiento pueda contribuir a preparar a los niños y los jóvenes de modo que se conviertan en personas con autonomía intelectual, física, emocional y social;

- Analizar el impacto de las actividades extra-curriculares para el aprendizaje del espíritu empresarial;

- Analizar el impacto de la formación en el espíritu empresarial a nivel universitario en la creación de empresas y la creación de puestos de trabajo adecuados;

- Estudiar el efecto del fomento del espíritu empresarial en la propensión a la creación de empresas de base tecnológica.

Helena Alves

Helena Alves is Associate Professor of marketing at the Business and Economics Department and researcher at NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Portugal. Her areas of expertise include Customer Satisfaction, Services marketing, Tourism Marketing and Public and Nonprofit Marketing having authored and co-authored several articles and book chapters on this themes. For some years she was coordinator of the marketing degree and later of the master degree. Her teaching experience includes degree, master and Ph.D. levels, in Portugal and Spain (University of Extremadura, University of León and University of Valência). Currently, she is the editor of the International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, and is also in the editorial review boards of several journals such as The Service Industries Journal, The Management Decision Journal, the Service Business Journal, among others. She is responsible for the organizational Management line of research at the Research Center for Business Sciences (NECE) and has participated in some projects like “tools development for the support of entrepreneurship in local development plans. Special mention to firms development by women and youngers”.

Arminda do Paço

Arminda do Paço is Auxiliary Professor at University of Beira Interior, Portugal. She is currently researcher at NECE - Research Center for Business Sciences and Director of the 2nd cycle in Marketing. Her areas of interest are Entrepreneurship Education and Environmental Marketing. She has published several articles in international journals. Additionally, she participates in consultant projects directed to SME. She also participated in several national and international projects (e.g. the impact study of the entrepreneurship programme in Mozambique, promoted by UNIDO).

Mário Raposo

Mário Raposo is full Professor of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship at University of Beira Interior, Portugal. Now he is Vice rector responsible for Financial area and Projects of the University. He is Director of the Transfer Technologic Office and researcher at NECE - Research Centre for Business Sciences. He has authored or co-authored a good number of scientific papers with peer review. He is responsible for coordinating several scientific projects financed by EU funds. He was behind the creation of the Technology Based Course in Entrepreneurship and was the author of the project, of the Science and Technologic Park – Parkurbis. Since 2011 is member of the group of evaluators A3Es, the agency, responsible for evaluating management and marketing courses in Portugal.

João Ferreira

João Ferreira is Associate Professor at University of Beira Interior, Portugal. He completed the Ph.D. Programme European Doctoral Program of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He is currently the Scientific Coordinator of NECE – Research Unit of Business Sciences as well as Director of the 3rd cycle in Management. He has published several articles in international journals editor of some international books. His areas of interest are Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness.

Pedro Serrão

Pedro Serrão is Science and Technology Manager at University of Beira Interior, Portugal. He currently supports the elaboration of projects and proposals to attract public and private (national and international) funds as well as supports research project management and opportunities in network financing activities.

He promotes protocols and technology transfer agreements with companies.

He has training and knowledge in the area of Technology Transfer, Innovation Management and Investment Projects.

Ana Nave

Ana Nave is research scholarship at University of Beira Interior, Portugal.

She is currently in administrative support to ARTISAN project.

She has a post-graduation in Business Finances and master degree in Marketing.

Her areas of interest are Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Volunteering and she has published some articles in international journals.

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