University of Lancaster, Campus Larnaca (UCLAN) Zypern (Projektkoordinator)
UCLan ist eine private Universität der Universität von Lancashire Gruppe. Auf dem Campus Larnaca werden die Studierenden von ca. 100 Lehrenden und Mitarbeitern betreut. UCLAN bietet Studiengänge an, die in Zypern wie auch Großbritannien voll anerkannt sind. Es werden Bachelorabschlüsse in Wirtschaft, Sport, Jura, Psychologie, Mathematik und IT angeboten. Graduiertenprogramme existieren in Wirtschaft und Marketing, TESOL, Jura, IT und Pädagogik.
UCLAN beherbergt CEDAR, das Zentrum für Unternehmensforschung und –entwicklung.
CEDAR fungiert als Katalysator der Entwicklung von Unternehmen durch Netzwerkaufbau und – unterstützung. Es verbindet Wissenschaft, Praxis, relevante Organisationen und Akteure aus Politik und Zivilgesellschaft.
Arbeitsbereiche sind:
Start-up Unternehmertum
Strategisches Unternehmertum
KMU Entwicklung
Agro-Unternehmertum und Agro-Tourismus sowie weitere
Der Fokus liegt auf interdisziplinärer Arbeit, die in zahlreichen Projekten und Veranstaltungen umgesetzt wird.

Professor Panikkos Poutziouris, Chair of CEDAR Professor in Entrepreneurship & Family Business, UCLan Cyprus
Dr Poutziouris is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business and Heads the School of Business and Management. He is an internationally recognized academic in the field of entrepreneurship, serving for almost two decades on the Faculty of Manchester Business School - University of Manchester (UK) as Fellow in SME Management, Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Visiting Associate Professor for Family Business Initiatives. He lectures, trains, researches, advises and consults on entrepreneurship and strategic development of family businesses and businesses families. Professor Poutziouris Panikkos is former President of IFERA and as active Fellow of Family Firms Institute; he is acting as the country expert on family business and entrepreneurship policy matters, working with OECD, European Commission and other stakeholder organizations. Contact E-mail:

Dr Elias Hadjielias, Director of CEDAR Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, UCLan Cyprus
Dr Hadjielias is specialized in the fields of Collective Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Learning, researching these topics within SMEs and Family Businesses for almost a decade. Dr Hadjielias teaches also entrepreneurship-related topics at the MBA and undergraduate levels at UClan Cyprus. He has also relevant business consultancy and professional training experience. Currently, Elias is researching entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning within Cooperative-based SMEs in Cyprus.

Mr Konstantinos D. Melas
Konstantinos D. Melas is research associate in University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus and PhD candidate in Cyprus University of Technology. His research interests cover personal and household finance and family businesses. Before joining UCLan Cyprus, he has worked in the shipping and the asset management sectors.