Die 1985 gegründete Universität erstreckt sich über 5 Campi in den vier Provinzen der Region Castillia La Mancha. Es werden 45 Bachelor und 35 Masterprogramme angeboten. 2500 Professoren, Lehrende und Mitarbeitende betreuen 30000 Studierende.
237 Forschungsgruppen. UCLM arbeitet mit mehr als 1000 nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen zusammen und betreibt mit ihnen Programme der Forschung und Entwicklung. Zudem werden in den Unternehmen mehr als 4000 Praktikumsplätze für die Studierenden angeboten. Es bestehen Kontakte zu 715 internationalen Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen. UCLM zählt zu den 15 besten spanischen Universitäten.

Full Professor of Management and Business (UCLM)
PhD in Economics and Businesses Sciences
Team Director of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Castilla-La Mancha
Team Director of Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students‘ Survey (GUESSS) Castilla-La Mancha
Director of the group of research SITEFB -Strategy, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship and Family Business- of the UCLM
Expert of YUZZ Programme (2014-2016)
Head of the Programme UCLM-Enterprising (2004-2007)
Spanish Vicepresident of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (1998-2008)
Coordinator of the Network EYALDE – creation of businesses – of the Programme ALFA (PB2), of cooperation for the scientific and technological formation of the European Commission
Team Director of POII-2014-004-A: Effect of entrepreneurial training received in the entrepreneurial intention of university students (2014-2015)
Chairman of Family Business ACEDE Section (2011-2013)
Chairman of Entrepreneurship ACEDE Section (2016-2018)

Associate Professor of Management and Business (UCLM)
PhD in Businesses Sciences
Vice Chancellor of Innovation and Transfer
Head of the Programme UCLM-Enterprising (2012-2016)
Researcher Team of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Castilla-La Mancha
Researcher of PEJ-2014-A-20354: Revitalization and urged action to improve employability in the context of the transfer

Associat0e Professor of Economy (UCLM)
PhD in Law
Main Researcher of A02691009 International Project
Member of DER2014-55677-R and DER2013-48327-C3-1-R National Projects
Main Researcher of POII-2014-003-A Regional Project
Academic Secretary of the Department of Political Economy and Public Finance, Economic and Business Statistics and Economic Policy
Author of 89 academic papers, Book’s Chapters and Books

Dr. Francisco J. SÁEZ-MARTÍNEZ
Associate Professor of Management and Business (UCLM)
PhD in Businesses Sciences
Coordinator of International Campus of Excellence CYTEMA (2012-2016)
Researcher Team of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Castilla-La Mancha