The kick-off meeting of ARTISAN project took place on the 16th and 17th of November 2016 in Cyprus, at UCLan University Premises in Larnaca. The kick-off meeting was attended by 12 participants from 6 different organisations and provided a great opportunity for all partners to meet each other. During the kick-off meeting, partners had the opportunity to present their organization and the activities that they are implementing which are related to the topic of ARTISAN project. The members of the ARTISAN Consortium are highly skilled professionals, academics and expert trainers that have a keen interest in the topic under examination.
The partners' meeting was very fruitful and constructive as the role of each partner and the activities needed to implement during the whole duration of the project for the development of a top quality training programme were defined.
The 2nd Coordination Meeting will take place on the 9th and 10th of March in France.