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ARTISAN Final Dissemination Event in Portugal

On 20th of June 2018, the Final Dissemination Event of ARTISAN took place at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Beira Interior in Portugal. The event was open to the general public.

The main objective of this event was to present the main activities and results of ARTISAN Project (network of Partners, ARTISAN Training Programme, ARTISAN CASEBOOK, Online Platform) to the target public: family business, students, graduates, professors, researchers, policy makers and associations. The final dissemination event in Portugal was coordinated by Professor Helena Alves.

Furthermore, there was a Panel Session with guest Speakers on Family Business Succession:

  • Marina de Sá Borges (representative of Portuguese Family Businesses Association),

  • Filomena Pinheiro (representative of Tourism of Center of Portugal),

  • Pedro Neto (junior member of Portuguese family business – Quinta Ribeira de Alpreade),

  • Amadeu Neto (senior members of Portuguese family business – Quinta Ribeira de Alpreade),

  • Paulo Fernandes (mayor of municipality of Fundão),

  • Catarina Alves (expert on Family Business Succession).

Lastly, a cocktail was carried out giving the opportunity to the attendees for networking opportunities.

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