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Fratelli d’arte Cuticchio

Figli d’arte Cuticchio is an association created in 1977 by the master Mimmo Cuticchio, in order to preserve and pass over time the ancient art of the work of the puppets in Sicily. The association manages a workshop where puppets are handcrafted and decorated and where the sets designed for the shows are built, a theater where the French paladins’ stories (and not only) are staged, and a school for young apprentices of this ancient craft. This activity occupies the entire Cuticchio family, now in it is at 5th generation of professionals in the sector.

Fratelli d'Arte Cuticchio is an example of how the centuries-old culture of a territory, if studied and rethought in accordance with the social and cultural changes of a land, can lead to great results both in art and business. Their company is a very interesting example because they were able to pursue a cooperation between generations and internationalization strategy in a very difficult industry like the artistic-artisan one.

This case was prepared by Silvia Rivulo and Prof. Salvatore Tomaselli Ph.D. from the Università di Palermo (Italy), as a partial output of the Artisan Project.

No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in spreadshit or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission of the either the author.

The detailed case study is available on IO6- CASEBOOK.

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