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ARTISAN Pilot Testing in Spain

The ARTISAN Pilot Training Programme in Spain implemented on February and March 2018 at the headquarters of the Rural Development Center of La Manchuela (CEDER) in the town of Fuentealbilla and the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain).

The participants were from senior and youth generation of family businesses in artisan and agro-tourism sector. The University of Castilla-La Mancha promoted the pilot training programme through several mean and they also contacted the Rural Development Center of La Manchuela (CEDER), an emblematic region for its peculiarities both in tourism and in the elaboration of artisan products. During the pilot training programme, the ARTISAN Online Platform presented to the participants and other relevant stakeholders. In total 15 people participated in the pilot training which took place in Spain.

The ARTISAN training programme is consisted of 5 modules which have been designed to help the members of family businesses to improve their entrepreneurial and business skills, expand their knowledge and learn to manage their businesses together with their families.

The following modules have been presented:

MODULE 1. Transgenerational Family Entrepreneurship.

MODULE 2. Strategic Management and Toolkit.

MODULE 3. What is your Business Model?

MODULE 4. Marketing Essentials.

MODULE 5. Succession and Continuity Planning.

During the pilot training programme, participants had also the opportunity to utilise several practical tools such as: Business and family values; Model of the 3 circles; Diagram of the 3 axes; mission, business idea, strategic profile of the environment, model of the 5 forces of Porter, strategic profile of the business, SWOT, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, Business CANVAS, Family CANVAS; market orientation, positioning, online marketing; succession and continuity of the business.

The participants highlighted the usefulness of the modules, the suggested models and tools to better understand their business and to be able to expand their activities. The exercises and practical activities carried out during the pilot contributed to the positive perception by the participants that it is possible to utilise the ARTISAN Training to their family businesses.

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