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ALAB - Associazione Liberi Artigiani-Artisti Balarm

ALAB – Free Artisans-Artistists Association Balarm is an association no-profit composed of more than 50 laboratories. It was born from a Pietro Muratore’s idea to give an opportunity to unemployed people, architects, students graduated in arts, in their country. The association has the purpose to support new activities in artistic-artisan sector with the profits of laboratories, and also to conduct a social and cultural function with different initiatives in order to increase the young adults’ passion for these professions. Therefore the video shows the case of an associated artisan who abandoned his original idea to become a carpenter, deciding to reinvent his work and becoming an artist-carpenter through the creation of unique pieces.

This case was prepared by Silvia Rivulo and Prof. Salvatore Tomaselli Ph.D. from the Università di Palermo (Italy), as a partial output of the Artisan Project.

No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in spreadshit or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission of the either the author.

The detailed case study is available on IO6-CASEBOOK.

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