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On the 10th and 11th of November 2014 the kick-off meeting for ICT ENTREPRENEUR took place at Classic Hotel in Nicosia, Cyprus. The meeting was attended by 15 participants from our 7 partner organisations and provided a great opportunity for all partners to meet each other and learn more about their work in the topic under examination.

The partners' meeting was very fruitful and constructive as the role of each partner and the activities needed to implement during the whole duration of the project for the development of a top quality pre-accelerator programme were clearly defined. All the important issues concerning the project, the activities and the events, were presented and analysed in detail by the Project Coordinator Dr Celia Hadjichristodoulou. Furthermore, all partners followed with a short presentation concerning the dissemination activities and the media means which each partner plans to use for the wide dissemination of the project.

During the second day of the kick-off meeting, a brainstorming session took place among the partners of the project in order to find ideas and formulate the basic structure of the training programme. The partners of the consortium presented their specific national training needs. Emphasis was given to national entrepreneurship programmes implemented in each country and the involvement of ICT students in start-ups and accelerator programmes.

The kick-off meeting was concluded with the final reflections and feedback concerning the overall meeting and agreement on the next steps for the following months!

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