On the 10th and 11th of July 2017, 20 Computer Students and Graduates from 5 different EU countries (Cyprus, Germany, Spain, UK, Portugal) participated on the Entrepreneurship Academy, which took place on the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CYPRUS.
On the first day of the Academy, the participants had the opportunity to meet students and graduates from all countries involved, to attend the 10-minutes presentation of each partner regarding the entrepreneurial context of their country, to develop their Business Model Canvas and to learn about the benefits of multicultural teams and the
teamwork styles. After the end of a very fruitful training, participants visited Larnaka Seaside and had the opportunity to swim and enjoy the rest of the day.
On the second day of the Academy, the participants get trained on pitching skills and on presentation skills and had the opportunity to prepare their Power Point presentation for the Business Idea Competition. A “Pitching Triathlon” took place after the speech of Mr. Christophoros Tzirtzipis, the Founder of the start-up company DIYful, who shared his experience with the participants and gave them tips to start their own company. The day ended with a visit at IDEA Accelerator Programme -an integrated acceleration incubation programme founded by the Bank of Cyprus (BoC) and The Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM), aiming to develop and support innovative entrepreneurship and to create employment opportunities for people wanting to set base in Cyprus- and a dinner at a traditional restaurant at Old Nicosia City Center.
On the third and last day, the ICT ENT Business Idea Competition took place at 6 o’clock. During the morning participants had the opportunity to visit the Microsoft Innovation Center of Cyprus.