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ICT ENTREPRENEUR is an innovative project, aiming to have a practical application once it is completed. The project is implemented by 7 partners from 5 different EU countries (Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and UK). The project aims to develop an innovative entrepreneurship programme for ICT students/graduates across Europe providing a new professional entrepreneurial path to them. These young people will also have the opportunity to develop their transversal skills and have an insight into the working environment of an entrepreneur.

Through an in-depth analysis of existing entrepreneurship programmes, accelerators and incubators (all of which are often referred to as “company builders”) in the EU and beyond, our project, ICT ENTREPRENEUR, identified the existing gap in South EU countries and the best practices from North EU countries and developed a new, top-quality pre-accelerator programme for ICT students/graduates.

The EVALUATION REPORTS WITH SURVEY FINDINGS PER COUNTRY are describing the main findings from the state of the art and needs’ analysis, according to the intensive research each partner organisation implemented during March-June 2015.

All the ICT ENTREPRENEUR Partner organizations started their research on existing entrepreneurship and accelerators programmes in their country aiming to identify the existing gaps in terms of the target groups, the problems that the local organizations are currently facing, their best practices, the format and the structure of their programme, etc. In the survey, they should participate at least 6 organisations from each partner’s country. Additionally, each partner was responsible to visit or contact 2 organisations from other European countries besides the ones participating in our consortium.

In total, our consortium of partners visited 36 organisations at local level and 13 organisations from other EU countries! Click on the following abbreviations and you will have the opportunity to read the National Report of CY, PT, UK, DE and ES!!!

The results gathered from the National evaluation reports mentioned above, have been analysed at a Consolidated, EU level, through an evaluation report. These reports were very important in helping us to develop the first version of the training package.

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